SET THE Standards
Standards is a multidisciplinary event filled with art, conversation and celebration; we are using our talents to reset the Standards. Standards events bring together young Londoners from Lewisham and beyond for debate, exchange, creativity, dialogue, and collective actions.
Each Standards has a theme, against which local young spoken word artists, musicians, singers, comedians, dancers, and other performers are commissioned to create work in response.
At its core, Standards is dedicated to building a network of creatives that truly represents the diversity and culture of young londoners and giving them a platform through collaborations with exciting cultural spaces. We aim to raise awareness of the issues amongst our peers and imagine solutions together.
Standards have worked in collaboration with The Wellcome Collection, Battersea Arts Centre, The Scoop, The Albany, Fuel and The Masters Shipwrights House.
Previous themes include My Rights to Safety, My Rights to the City and My Rights to Beauty.
Standards: By the River
Saturday 30 August 2024
at the Scoop, London Bridge City
Photography by Poetcurious
Standards: On the Bank
Saturday 13 July 2024
at the Southbank Centre Riverside Terrace
Photography by Ines Yearwood-Sanchez

Standards: My Right to Beauty
Saturday 18 November 2023, 13:00 - 16:00
at the Wellcome Collection